
Recordings of PKF Centennial events in 2024

We will offer here any streaming connections and/or recordings of PKF Centennial events...

4-6 December 2024, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro

Paul Feyerabend Centennial 2024 - Proliferating Dialogues

International conference

Organized by the Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF) and the State University of Rio de Janiero (UERJ)

4 July 2024, Wiener Rathaus / Vienna City Hall

Wiener Vorlesung

Keynote speakers

23-25 May 2024, Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology, The University of Texas at Dallas

Paul K. Feyerabend: A Centennial Celebration (VMST-12)

Organized by Matthew J Brown, Jamie Shaw, and Jonathan Tsou 

various dates and locations in 2024- including the event in Weimar (April 2024) 

What Reality? - a classical song-cycle for soprano and piano by Pol Vanfleteren 

Soprano: Lissa Myers

Piano: Pol Vanfleteren

What Reality? is a cycle of seven songs for soprano voice and piano by Pol Vanfleteren composed in memory of Paul Feyerabend. The title is borrowed from an article in Conquest of Abundance, pkf's last and posthumous work, which also served as inspiration for the lyrics. 

March 6, 2024 at 14:00, RAI Radio 3 

Paul K. Feyerabend

A broadcast by Telmo Pievani for the programme "Wikiradio-- Le voci della storia" of the Italian cultural radio Rai Tre.  The broadcast can be accessed from this link.

Total duration: 9h 0m 51s

Webpage with a presentation of the recorded sessions 

13 January 2024, online

PKF Centennial Launch Event

Duration: 1h 15m 22s

13 January 2024, online

PKF Unlimited

A Production for the Centennial Anniversary of the birth of Paul K. Feyerabend (1924-2024) by Liza Cardinale (Director) and Susan Crosby (Producer)

Duration: 7m 29s

A radio talk edited by Sven Ahnert, broadcast on the  German regional public broadcasting corporation Südwestrundfunk (SWR).

Language: German

Duration: 28m 52m

Radio talk edited by Robert Czepel, broadcast on the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation - with Prof. Martin Kusch (University of Vienna)

Language: German

Duration: 24 55s