2024 forthcoming events
Recent centennial events
29 August 2024, European Forum Alpbach
Truth and Knowledge in Crisis: Anything Goes? - In Honor of Paul Feyerabend 100
Paul Feyerabend, one of the most influential philosophers of our time, started his career at the European Forum. Back in the mid last century Alpbach was the intellectual center of Austria where philosophers and scientists who fled the Nazis came together to discuss the future.
His ideas on science, truth and relativism are more relevant than ever.
There is a crisis of truth and knowledge. Have we lost the ability to distinguish between true and false, fact and fiction, reality and illusion, between what is and what is not? Is there such a thing as objective truth?
Congress Center Alpach, 10:45-12:00
Events in Austria
5-6 July 2024, University of Vienna
International Conference
4 July 2024, Wiener Rathaus / Vienna City Hall
Wiener Vorlesung
Keynote speakers
Elisabeth Nemeth
Helga Nowotny
Karl Sigmund
Friedrich Stadler (Chair)
Thursday, 4 July 2024, 5:00 pm - Wienbibliothek im Rathaus
25 April 2024, The Karl Popper Archives (University of Klagenfurt) & the Philosophische Gesellschaft Klagenfurt
Feyerabend's Farewell to Critical Rationalism: Chronicle of a Long Goodbye
Lecture delivered by Matteo Collodel (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) under the auspices of The Karl Popper Archives at the University of Klagenfurt and the Klagenfurt Philosophical Society.
16 January 2024, University of Innsbruck
Paul Feyerabend– a celebration
Michael Schorner (Research Institute Brenner-Archiv) focused on Feyerabend's early years in Vienna, the impact of the International College Weeks in Alpbach and Feyerabend's engagement with science and philosophy of science.
Prof. Josef Mitterer (University of Klagenfurt) talked about his time with Paul Feyerabend in Berkeley and the lasting influence on his philosophical development.
A selection of lesser-known archival material was also shown, with Paul Feyerabend present through audio and video material.
As befits a celebration, music, food and drinks were provided.
Tuesday, January 16, 5:00–9:00 pm
University of Innsbruck, Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3
10 January 2024, ORF
Radio talk edited by Robert Czepel, broadcast on the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation - with Prof. Martin Kusch (University of Vienna) and Prof. Josef Mitterer (University of Klagenfurt)
Language: German
Duration: 24 55s