Events in Switzerland

2024 forthcoming events

date to be determined, Cabaret Voltaire Zurich 

A Feyerabend festival

A weekend of performances, lectures, concerts, idea-sharing  and bringing in fringe perspectives on knowledge, the democratization of science and pluralism in general. 

Recent centennial events

1 June 2024, 17:00-19:00 p.m., Le Mont Pèlerin (CH-1801) 

Official dedication of a small public "space with a view"

A small reception with invited local officials and the Board of the Paul K. Feyerabend Fundation.  On the occasion, Prof. Baudouin Jurdant will offer a talk on the relations between pkf's work and the mission and objectives of the Feyerabend Foundation.

22-23 February 2024, ETH Zurich 

100th Birthday of Paul Feyerabend

A two-day workshop  on 'Pkf and pluralism',  including talks in English and German.  The registration site, venue, announcement flyer and other information are accessible here.  The program includes:

Language:   German              Duration: 59 11s

Zum 100. Geburtstag des 1994 in der Schweiz verstorbenen Selbstdenkers spricht Wolfram Eilenberger mit dem Zürcher Wissenschaftshistoriker Michael Hagner über die Wichtigkeit von Feyerabends Impulsen für die wissenschaftsdurchdrungene Gegenwart.

Find the program here: