Feyerabend's Work
Complete Chronological Bibliography
compiled by Matteo Collodel
"Der Begriff der Verständlichkeit in der modernen Physik", in Veröffentlichungen des Österreichischen College, Österreichischen College: Vienna 1948, pp. 6-10.
Reprinted with an English translation by Daniel Kuby: 2016.1
English translation by John Wettersten: 2016.2
Zur Theorie der Basissätze [Doctoral dissertation], Universität Wien: Vienna 1951.
Review of [Heskell B. Curry, Outline of a Formalist Philosophy of Mathematics, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Vol. 3, North-Holland: Amsterdam 1951], Nachrichten der österreichischen mathematischen Gesellschaft, 5: 17/18 (March 1952), 68.
Review of [Georg H. von Wright, An Essay in Modal Logic, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Vol. 5, North-Holland: Amsterdam 1951], Nachrichten der österreichischen mathematischen Gesellschaft, 5: 17/18 (March 1952), 68-69.
Review of [Karl Dürr, The Propositional Logic of Boethius, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Vol. 1, North-Holland: Amsterdam 1951], Nachrichten der österreichischen mathematischen Gesellschaft, 5: 19/20 (June 1952), 61-62.
Review of [Andrzej Mostowski, Sentences Undecidable in Formalized Arithmetic: An Exposition of the Theory of Kurt Gödel, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Vol. 10, North-Holland: Amasterdam 1951], Nachrichten der österreichischen mathematischen Gesellschaft, 5: 19/20 (June 1952), 62-63.
Review of [Paul C. Rosenbloom, The Elements of Mathematical Logic, Dover: New York 1950], Nachrichten der österreichischen mathematischen Gesellschaft, 5: 19/20 (June 1952), 67-68.
"Neuere Probleme der philosophischen Logik", Wissenschaft und Weltbild: Monatschrift für alle Gebiete der Forschung, 5: 9 (November 1952), 315-319.
"Bemerkungen zu Interpretation and Preciseness" in Semantiske problemer: inledningsforedrag og diskusjonsreferater fra Krets 5, Nordisk sommeruniversitet, 2. sesjon, Ustaoset 1952, Jens R. Gjerløw, Anders Bjerrum, Hans Regnéll (eds), Akademisk forlag: Oslo 1953, pp. 77-84.
Review of [A Century of Science, Herbert Dingle (ed.), Hutchinson: London 1951], Internationale mathematische Nachrichten, 8: 31/32 (April 1954), 53.
Review of [Truth and Consequence in Medieval Logic, Ernest A. Moody (ed.), Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Vol. 11, North-Holland: Amsterdam 1953], Internationale mathematische Nachrichten, 8: 31/32 (April 1954), 60.
"Wittgenstein und die Philosophie, I”, Wissenschaft und Weltbild: Monatsschrift für alle Gebiete der Forschung, 7: 5-6 (May-June 1954), 212-220.
Review of [Reuben Louis Goodstein, Constructive Formalism: Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics, University College Leicester: Leicester 1951], Internationale mathematische Nachrichten, 8: 33/34 (Juli 1954), 59.
“Ludwig Wittgenstein”, Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, 8: 11 (July 1954), 1021-1038.
“Wittgenstein und die Philosophie, II”, Wissenschaft und Weltbild Monatsschrift für alle Gebiete der Forschung, 7: 7-8 (July-August 1954), 283-287.
Review of [Rudolf Carnap, Einführung in die symbolische Logik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Anwendungen, Springer: Vienna 1954], Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 35-36 (November 1954), 67.
Review of [John Barkley Rosser, Logic for Mathematicians, McGraw-Hill: New York 1953], Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 35-36 (November 1954), 78.
“Physik und Ontologie”, Wissenschaft und Weltbild: Monatschrift für alle Gebiete der Forschung, 7: 11-12 (November-December 1954), 464-476.
English translation by J. R. Wettersten, J. L. Heilbron and C. Luna in 2016.1: Ch. 2 (pp. 9-24).
“Determinismus und Quantenmechanik”, Wiener Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Psychologie, Pädagogik, 5: 2 (1954), 89-111.
English translation by J. R. Wettersten, J. L. Heilbron and C. Luna in 2016.1: Ch. 3 (pp. 25-45).
“Carnaps Theorie der Interpretation theoretischer Systeme”, Theoria, 21: 1 (April 1955), 55-62.
Reprinted with the title "Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations" in Wittgenstein, The Philosophical Investigations: A Collection of Critical Essays, George Pitcher (ed.), Anchor Books, Doubleday and Co.: Garden City (NY) 1966, pp. 104-150.
Reprinted with the title "Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations" in Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Man and his Philosophy, K. T. Fann (ed.), Humanities Press: Sussex 1967, pp. 214-250.
Reprinted with the title "Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations" in 1981.3: Ch. 7 (pp. 99-130).
German translation by Hermann Vetter, revised and with an appendix by the author, in 1981.1: Ch. 15 (pp. 293-325).
Review of [Ernst Zinner, Astronomie: Geschichte ihrer Probleme, Karl Alber: Freiburg and Munich 1951], Wissenschaft und Weltbild: Monatschrift für alle Gebiete der Forschung, 8: 3 (September 1955), 241-242.
Humanities in Austria: A Report on Postwar Developments, Library of Congress Reference Department: Washington 1955.
Abridged English translation by Ingeborg Satinger, Vilma Anderl and Elvin Schlecht of 2010.3
"Eine Bemerkung zum Neumannschen Beweis”, Zeitschrift für Physik, 145: 4 (August 1956), 421-423.
“A Note on the Paradox of Analysis”, Philosophical Studies, 7: 6 (December 1956), 92-96.
German version: 1957.3.
Review of [Oskar Becker, Grundlagen der Mathematik in geschichtlicher Entwicklung, Karl Alber: Freiburg and Munich 1954], Wissenschaft und Weltbild: Monatschrift für alle Gebiete der Forschung, 9: 4 (December 1956), 319.
“Zur Quantentheorie der Messung”, Zeitschrift für Physik, 148: 5 (October 1957), 551-559.
“Die analytische Philosophie und das Paradox der Analyse”, Kant-Studien, 49: 3 (1957), 238-244.
English version: 1956.3.
“On the Quantum-Theory of Measurement” in Observation and Interpretation: A Symposium of Philosophers and Physicists, Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society, S. Körner and M. H. L. Pryce (eds), Butterworths Scientific Pub.: London and New York 1957, pp. 121-130.
[A contribution in the discussion on A. J. Ayer, "The Conception of Probability as a Logical Relation" among A. J. Ayer, D. Bohm, R. B. Braithwaite, A. J. B. Cruickshank, P. K. Feyerabend, M. Fierz, W. B. Gallie, E. H. Hutten, W. C. Kneale, P. T. Landsberg, U. Öpik, M. Polanyi, L. Rosenfeld, M. Scriven, G. Süssmann, H. A. Thurston, J.-P. Vigier, J. O. Wisdom] in Observation and Interpretation: A Symposium of Philosophers and Physicists, Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society, S. Körner and M. H. L. Pryce (eds), Butterworths Scientific Pub.: London and New York 1957, pp. 18-30.
[Contributions in the discussion on D. Bohm, "A Proposed Explanation of Quantum Theory in Terms of Hidden Variables at a Sub-quantum-mechanical Level" among E. W. Bastin, D. Bohm, F. Bopp, P. K. Feyerabend, M. Fierz, H. J. Groenewold, E. H. Hutten, S. Körner, D. M. Mackay, M. Polanyi, M. H. L. Pryce, L. Rosenfeld, J.-P. Vigier, J. O. Wisdom] in Observation and Interpretation: A Symposium of Philosophers and Physicists, Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society, S. Körner and M. H. L. Pryce (eds), Butterworths Scientific Pub.: London and New York 1957, pp. 46-61.
[A contribution in the discussion on M. Polanyi, "Beauty, Elegance, and Reality in Science" among A. J. Ayer, D. Bohm, J. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend, M. Fierz, F. C. Frank, W. B. Gallie, H. J. Groenewold, N. Hush, E. H. Hutten, S. Körner, D. M. Mackay, U. Öpik, M. Polanyi, L. Rosenfeld, G. Süssmann, J.-P. Vigier,] in Observation and Interpretation: A Symposium of Philosophers and Physicists, Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society, S. Körner and M. H. L. Pryce (eds), Butterworths Scientific Pub. 1957: London and New York, pp. 107-118.
[Contributions in the discussion on G. Süssmann, "An Analysis of Measurement" among E. W. Bastin, D. Bohm, P. K. Feyerabend, H. J. Groenewold, E. H. Hutten, S. Körner, P. T. Landsberg, D. M. Mackay, U. Öpik, M. H. L. Pryce, G. Süssmann, J.-P. Vigier] in Observation and Interpretation: A Symposium of Philosophers and Physicists, Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society, S. Körner and M. H. L. Pryce (eds), Butterworths Scientific Pub.: London and New York 1957, pp. 137-147.
[Contributions in the discussion on G. Ryle, "Predicting and Inferring" among P. Alexander, A. J. Ayer, E. W. Bastin, D. Bohm, R. B. Braithwaite, J. Cohen, R. Englman, P. K. Feyerabend, W. B. Gallie, M. B. Hesse, E. H. Hutten, W. C. Kneale, P. T. Landsberg, D. M. Mackay, M. Polanyi, L. Rosenfeld, J.-P. Vigier] in Observation and Interpretation: A Symposium of Philosophers and Physicists, Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society, S. Körner and M. H. L. Pryce (eds), Butterworths Scientific Pub.: London and New York 1957, pp. 171-186.
German translation (revised by the author) of: Karl R. Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. I: The Sepll of Plato, George Routledge & Sons: London 1945 [third edition (revised): Routledge and Kegan Paul: London 1952]: Die offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde, Band I: Der Zauber Platons, Francke: Munich and Bern 1957.
“Reichenbach’s Interpretation of Quantum-Mechanics”, Philosophical Studies, 9: 4 (June 1958), 47-59.
“Complementarity”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume, 32 (1958), 75-104.
“Naturphilosophie” in Philosophie, Alwin Diemer and Ivo Frenzel (eds), Das Fischer Lexikon: Enzyklopädie des Wissens, Bd. 11, Fischer Bücherei: Frankfurt am Main 1958, pp. 203-227.
German translation (revised by the author) of Karl R. Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. II: The High Tide of Prophecy: Hegel, Marx, and the Aftermath, George Routledge & Sons: London 1945 [third edition (revised): Routledge and Kegan Paul: London 1952]: Die offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde, Band II: Falsche Propheten: Hegel, Marx und die Folgen. Francke: Munich and Bern 1958.
“O Interpretacij Relacyj Nieokreslonosci”, Studia Filozoficzne, 19: 4 (1960), 21-78.
“On the Interpretation of Scientific Theories” in Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Philosophy, Venice, 12-18 September 1958, Vol. 5: Logic, theory of knowledge, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, Sansoni: Florence 1960, pp. 151-159.
“Das Problem der Existenz theoretischer Entitäten” in Probleme der Wissenschaftstheorie: Festschrift für Viktor Kraft, E. Topitsch (ed.), Springer: Vienna 1960, pp. 35-72.
Reprinted in 1978.2: Erster Teil, Ch. 3.
English translation by D. Sirtes and E. Oberheim in 1999.1: Ch. 1 (pp. 16-49).
Spanish translation by Fernando Tula Molina: 2005.1.
"Niels Bohr's Interpretation of the Quantum Theory" in Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science: Symposia of Scientists and Philosophers, Proceedings of Section L of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1959, Herbert Feigl and Grover Maxwell (eds), Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York 1961, pp. 371-390.
"Rejoinder to Hanson" in Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science: Symposia of Scientists and Philosophers, Proceedings of Section L of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1959, Herbert Feigl and Grover Maxwell (eds), Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York 1961, pp. 398-400.
"Comments on Hanson's 'Is There a Logic of Scientific Discovery?'" in Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science: Symposia of Scientists and Philosophers, Proceedings of Section L of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1959, Herbert Feigl and Grover Maxwell (eds), Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York 1961, pp. 35-39.
"Comments on Sellars' 'The Language of Theories'" in Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science: Symposia of Scientists and Philosophers, Proceedings of Section L of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1959, Herbert Feigl and Grover Maxwell (eds), Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York 1961, pp. 82-83.
"Comments on Grünbaum's 'Law and Convention in Physical Theory'" in Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science: Symposia of Scientists and Philosophers, Proceedings of Section L of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1959, Herbert Feigl and Grover Maxwell (eds), Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York 1961, pp. 155-61.
"Comments on Barker's 'The Role of Simplicity in Explanation'" in Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science: Symposia of Scientists and Philosophers, Proceedings of Section L of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1959, Herbert Feigl and Grover Maxwell (eds), Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York 1961, pp. 278-80.
"Comments on Hill's 'Quantum Physics and Relativity Theory'" in Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science: Symposia of Scientists and Philosophers, Proceedings of Section L of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1959, Herbert Feigl and Grover Maxwell (eds), Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York 1961, pp. 441-3.
“Méthodologie” in Les Grands Courants de la Pensée Mondiale Contemporaine, IIe Partie: Les Tendences principales, Vol. II, M. F. Sciacca (ed.), Marzorati: Milan 1961, pp. 871-899.
“Philosophie de la nature” in Les Grands Courants de la Pensée Mondiale Contemporaine, IIe Partie: Les Tendences Principales, Vol. II, M. F. Sciacca (ed.), Marzorati: Milan 1961, pp. 901-927.
Knowledge Without Foundations, Two Lectures Delivered on the Nellie Heldt Lecture Fund, Oberlin College: Oberlin (OH) 1962, 74 pp.
Reprinted as 1999.1: Ch. 2 (pp. 58-77).
French translation by Emmanuel Malolo Dissakè: 1999.6.
"Problems of Microphysics" in Frontiers of Science and Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh Series in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 1, Robert G. Colodny (ed.), University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh 1962, pp. 189-283.
Polish translation by Krystna Zamiare in 1979.7: Ch. 2 (pp. 62-151).
"Mental Events and the Brain", The Journal of Philosophy, 60: 11 (23 May 1963), 295-296.
"Materialism and the Mind-Body Problem", The Review of Metaphysics, 17: 1 (September 1963), 49-66.
"Professor Hartmann's Philosophy of Nature" [Review of Nicolai Hartmann, Philosophie der Natur: Abriss der speziellen Kategorienlehre, de Gruyter: Berlin 1950], Ratio, 5: 1 (XXX 1963), pp. 81-94.
"How to Be a Good Empiricist: A Plea for Tolerance in Matters Epistemological" in Philosophy of Science: The Delaware Seminar, Vol. II, Bernard Baumrin (ed.), Interscience Publishers: New York 1963, pp. 3-39.
Polish translation by Krystna Zamiare in 1979.7: Ch. 1 (pp. 23-61).
"Über konservative Züge in den Wissenschaften, insbesondere in der Quantentheorie, und ihre Beseitigung" in Club Voltaire: Jahrbuch für kritische Aufklärung, Bd. 1, Gerhard Szczesny (ed.), Szczesny Verlag: Munich 1963, pp. 280-293.
"Determinism and Indeterminism" in Harper's Encyclopedia of Science, James D. Newman (ed.), Harper and Row: New York 1963, p. 320.
"Fictions (in science)" in Harper's Encyclopedia of Science, James D. Newman (ed.), Harper and Row: New York 1963, p. 444.
"Phenomenalism" in Harper's Encyclopedia of Science, James D. Newman (ed.), Harper and Row: New York 1963, p. 907.
Problems of Microphysics, The Voice of America: Forum Lectures, Philosophy of Science Series, Issue 17, United States Information Agency: Washington 1964.
"A Note on the Problem of Induction", The Journal of Philosophy, 61: 12 (11 June 1964), 349-353.
"Schlüssel zur Wissenschaft" [Review of Walter Hollitscher, Die Natur im Weltbild der Wissenschaft, enlarged edition, Globus-Verlag: Vienna 1964], Tagebuch, 19: 12 (December 1964), .
"Realism and Instrumentalism: Comments on the Logic of Factual Support" in The Critical Approach to Science and Philosophy: In Honor of Karl R. Popper, Mario Bunge (ed.), The Free Press of Glencoe: London and New York 1964, pp. 280-308.
Polish translation by Krystna Zamiare in 1979.7: Ch. 3 (pp. 152-193).
"Arbeitsgemeinschaften, stetige und unstetige Veranderungen in der Natur" in Das ist Alpbach, Wolfgang Pfaundler and Barbara Coudenhoue-Kalergi (eds), Verlag Herold: Vienna and Munich 1964, p. 46.
"Albert Einstein", RIAS: Rundfunk im amerikanischen Sektor, 1964.
"On the 'Meaning' of Scientific Terms", The Journal of Philosophy, 62: 10 (13 May 1965), 266-274.
"Problems of Empiricism" in Beyond the Edge of Certainty: Essays in Contemporary Science and Philosophy, Robert G. Colodny (ed.), University of Pittsburgh Series in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 2, Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs (NJ), pp. 145-260.
German translation by Volker Böhnigk and Rainer Noske: 2002.2.
"Reply to Criticism: Comments on Smart, Sellars and Putnam" in Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1962-64: In Honor of Philipp Frank, Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky (eds), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 2, Humanities Press: New York 1965, pp. 223-261.
"Wissenschaftstheorie" in Handwörterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften: Zugleich Neuauflage des Handworterbuchs der Staatswissenschafien, Vol. 12, Erwin v. Beckerath et al (eds), Gustav Fischer: Stuttgart, J. C. B. Mohr: Tubingen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht: Gottingen 1965, pp. 331-336.
"Dialectical Materialism and the Quantum Theory", Slavic Review, 25: 3 (September 1966), 414-417.
Mind, Matter, and Method: Essays in Philosophy and Science in Honor of Herbert Feigl, Paul K. Feyerabend and Grover Maxwell (eds), University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis: 1966, 524 pp.
"Herbert Feigl: A Biographical Sketch" in Mind, Matter, and Method: Essays in Philosophy and Science in Honor of Herbert Feigl, Paul K. Feyerabend and Grover Maxwell (eds), University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis 1966, pp. 3-13.
"On the Possibility of a Perpetuum Mobile of the Second Kind" in Mind, Matter, and Method: Essays in Philosophy and Science in Honor of Herbert Feigl, Paul K. Feyerabend and Grover Maxwell (eds), University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis 1966, pp. 409-412.
"Bemerkungen zur Verwendung nicht-klassischer Logiken in der Quantentheorie" in Deskription, Analytizität und Existenz: Forschungsgespräche des internationalen Forschungszentrums für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, drittes und viertes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 351-9.
"Ist die Unterscheidung zwischen analytischen und synthetischen Sätzen uberflüssig?' [Discussion among H. Batuhan, H. Delius, H. Feigl, P. K. Feyerabend, R. Haller, J. Hintikka, B. Juhos, W. Leinfellner, P. Weingartner, A. Wilhelmy, R. Wohlgenannt] in Deskription, Analytizität und Existenz: Forschungsgespräche des internationalen Forschungszentrums für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, drittes und viertes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 361-370.
"Analytische Sätze und wissenschaftliche Sprachsysteme" [discussion among H. Feigl, P. K. Feyerabend, J. Hintikka, B. Juhos, W. Leinfellner, B. Thum, P. Weingartner] in Deskription, Analytizität und Existenz: Forschungsgespräche des internationalen Forschungszentrums für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, drittes und viertes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 370-374.
"Konventionalismus und Analytizität" [discussion among H. Feigl, P. K. Feyerabend, J. Hintikka, B. Juhos, P. Weingartner, A. Wilhelmy] in Deskription, Analytizität und Existenz: Forschungsgespräche des internationalen Forschungszentrums für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, drittes und viertes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 374-377.
"Analytizität der Farbsätze" [discussion among K. Acham, H. Delius, H. Feigl, P. K. Feyerabend, R. Haller, J. Hintikka, B. Juhos, W. Leinfellner, E Weingartner, R. Wohlgenannt] in Deskription, Analytizität und Existenz: Forschungsgespräche des internationalen Forschungszentrums für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, drittes und viertes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 377-381.
"Verschiedene Bedeutungen von 'Analytisch'" [discussion among W. Essler, P. K. Feyerabend, J. Hintikka, B. Juhos, W. Leinfellner, W. Stegmüller] in Deskription, Analytizität und Existenz: Forschungsgespräche des internationalen Forschungszentrums für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, drittes und viertes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 384-387.
"'Analytisch-wahr' als 'wahr in allen möglichen Welten'" [discussion among P. K. Feyerabend, J. Hintikka, B. Juhos, W. Leinfellner, W. Stegmüller, A. Wilhelmy] in Deskription, Analytizität und Existenz: Forschungsgespräche des internationalen Forschungszentrums für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, drittes und viertes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 387-390.
"Nicht-klassische Logik und ihre Anwendung" [discussion among P. K. Feyerabend, B. Juhos, W. Leinfellner, A. Wilhelmy] in Deskription, Analytizität und Existenz: Forschungsgespräche des internationalen Forschungszentrums für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, drittes und viertes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 397-399.
"Cogito ergo sum" [discussion among P. K. Feyerabend, R. Haller, J. Hintikka', W. Leinfellner, B. Juhos, P. Weingartner, A. Wilhelmy, R. Wohlgenannt] in Deskription, Analytizität und Existenz: Forschungsgespräche des internationalen Forschungszentrums für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, drittes und viertes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 399-406.
"The Mind-Body Problem", Continuum, 5: 1 (Winter-Spring 1967), 35-49.
"Theater als Ideologiekritik: Bemerkungen zu Ionesco" in Die Philosophie und die Wissenschaften: Simon Moser zum 65. Geburtstag, Ernst Oldemeyer (ed.), Anton Hain: Meisenheim am Glan 1967, pp. 400-412.
"Von den Vorteilen des kalten Krieges" in Club Voltaire: Jahrbuch für kritische Aufklärung, Bd. 3, Gerhard Szczesny (ed.), Szczesny Verlag: Munich 1967, pp. 38-45, 372.
"Homage to N. R. Hanson - 11" in Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, 1964-66: In Memory of Norwood Russell Hanson, Robert S. Cohen and Marx W Wartofsky (eds), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. III, Reidel: Dordrecht 1967, pp. xxii-iii.
"On the Improvement of the Sciences and the Arts, and the Possible Identity of the Two" in Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, 1964-66: In Memory of Norwood Russell Hanson, Robert S. Cohen and Marx W Wartofsky (eds), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. III, Reidel: Dordrecht 1967, pp. 387-415.
"Bemerkungen zur Geschichte und Systematik des Empirismus" in Grundfragen der Wissenschaften und ihre Wurzeln in der Metaphysik, fünftes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Universitatsverlag Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1967, pp. 136-180.
"Alltagssprache, Wissenschaftssprache, Philosophensprache" [discussion among P. K. Feyerabend, G. Frey, R. Haller, B. Juhos, B. Thum, P. Weingartner, E. Weinzierl, R. Wohlgenannt] in Grundfragen der Wissenschaften und ihre Wurzeln in der Metaphysik, fünftes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Universitatsverlag Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 191-198.
"Begriff und Idee" [discussion among K. Acham, P. K. Feyerabend, G. Frey, B. Juhos, P. Lorenzen, P. Weingartner, R. Wohlgenannt] in Grundfragen der Wissenschaften und ihre Wurzeln in der Metaphysik, fünftes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Universitatsverlag Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 198-204.
"Wahrheitsdefinition und Existenzbegriff" [discussion among W. Del-Negro, P. K. Feyerabend, R. Haller, B. Juhos, C. Lejewski, P. Lorenzen, P. Weingartner, R. Wohlgenannt] in Grundfragen der Wissenschaften und ihre Wurzeln in der Metaphysik, fünftes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Universitatsverlag Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 204-215.
"Naturwissenschaft und Ontologie" [discussion among W. Del-Negro, P. K. Feyerabend, G. Frey, R. Haller, B. Juhos, P. Lorenzen, B. Thum, P. Weingartner] in Grundfragen der Wissenschaften und ihre Wurzeln in der Metaphysik, fünftes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Universitatsverlag Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 219-227.
"Metaphysische Vorasussetzungen der Erfahrungswissenscahften" [discussion among W. Del-Negro, P. K. Feyerabend, G. Frey, B. Juhos, P. Lorenzen, B. Thum] in Grundfragen der Wissenschaften und ihre Wurzeln in der Metaphysik, fünftes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Universitatsverlag Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 227-232.
"Die Revision wissenschaftlicher Theorien" [discussion among P. K. Feyerabend, G. Frey, B. Juhos, P. Lorenzen, H. R. Post, B. Thum, P. Weingartner] in Grundfragen der Wissenschaften und ihre Wurzeln in der Metaphysik, fünftes Forschungsgespräch, Paul Weingartner (ed.), Universitatsverlag Anton Pustet: Salzburg and Munich 1966, pp. 232-242.
"Boltzmann, Ludwig" in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Paul Edwards (ed.), Vol. 1, Macmillan: New York and London 1967, pp. 334-467.
"Heisenberg, Werner" in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Paul Edwards (ed.), Vol. 3, Macmillan: New York and London 1967, pp. 466-467.
"Planck, Max" in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Paul Edwards (ed.), Vol. 6, Macmillan: New York and London 1967, pp. 312-314.
"Schrödinger, Erwin" in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Paul Edwards (ed.), Vol. 7, Macmillan: New York and London 1967, pp. 332-333.
"Science, Freedom, and the Good Life", Joseph Agassi and Michael Chiariello (eds), The Philosophical Forum, 1: 2 (Winter 1968), pp. 127-135.
"Outline of a Pluralistic Theory of Knowledge and Action" in Planning for Diversity and Choice, Stanford Anderson (ed.), MIT Press: Cambridge (MA) 1968, pp. 275-284.
Reprinted in 1999.1: Ch. 4 (pp. 104-111).
German tranlsation: 1971.2.
"Busoni's Aesthetics" in Ferruccio Busoni, Piano Concerto, Opus 39 (1904) / Sarabande and Cortège from "Doktor Faust", John Ogden (pianist), the Royal Philarmonic Orchestra and Male chorus, Daniell Revenaugh (director), 2 LPs, Angel World Premiere Recording SBL-3719 (S 36457-36458), 1968.
"Linguistic Arguments and Scientific Method", Telos, 3 (Spring 1969), 43-63.
"Science without Experience", The Journal of Philosophy, 66: 22 (20 November 1969), 791-794.
Polish translation by Krystna Zamiare in 1979.7: Ch. 4 (pp. 194-199).
"Experts in a Free Society", The Critic, 29: 2 (November-December 1970), 58-69.
Reprinted as 1977.10.
Reprinted in 1991.1: Ch. 5 (pp. 112-126).
German version: 1976.7.
Spanish translation by María Asunción Albisu Aparicio: 1993.15: Ch. 31 (pp. ?-?).
"Classical Empiricism" in The Methodological Heritage of Newton, R. E. Butts and J. W. Davis (eds), Basil Blackwell: Oxford and Toronto 1970, pp. 150-170.
"Problems of Empiricism, Part II" in The Nature and Function of Scientific Theories: Essays in Contemporary Science and Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh Series in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 4, Robert G. Colodny (ed.), University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh 1970, pp. 275-353.
"Consolations for the Specialist" in Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, 1965, Vol. 4, Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave (eds), Cambridge University Press: London and New York 1970, pp. 197-230.
Polish translation by Krystna Zamiare in 1979.7: Ch. 5 (pp. 200-250).
"Discussion at the Conference on Correspondence Rules" [discussion among P. Achinstein, I. G. Barbour, M. Brodbeck, R. Buek, J. W. Cornman, W. Craig, H. Feigl, P. K. Feyerabend, A. Grünbaum, N. R. Hanson, C. G. Hempel, M. B. Hesse, E. L. Hill, E. McMullin, G. Maxwell, W. W. Rozeboom, W. C. Salmon, C. M. Van Vliet and F. M. Williams] in Analysis of Theories and Methods of Physics and Psychology, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 4, M. Radner and S. Winokur (eds), University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis 1970, pp. 220-259.
Reprinted in 1991.1: Ch. 6 (pp. 127-137).
Spanish translation by R. Beneyto: "Filosofia de la ciencia: Una materia con un gran pasado", Teorema, 4, 11-27.
"Über einen neuen Liberalismus", Radio München, 1971.
"Umriß einer pluralistischen Theorie des Wissens und Handelns" in Die Zukunft der menschlichen Umwelt, Stanford Anderson (ed.), Rombach: Freiburg 1971, pp. 259-268.
German translation of 1968.4.
"Von der beschrankten Gültigkeit methodologischer Regeln" in Dialog als Methode, Rüdiger Bubner, Konrad Cramer and Reiner Wiehl (eds), Neue Hefte für Philosophie, 2-3 (1972), pp. 124-171.
Reprinted in 1978.2: Zweiter Teil, Ch. 10 (pp. 205-248).
English translation by E. Oberheim and D. Sirtes in 1999.1: Ch. 7 (pp. 138-180).
"Theorie, Theoriebildung" in Lexikon der Padagogik, Bd. 4, Herder: Freiburg 1972, pp. 226-227.
"Wissenschaftstheorie" in Lexikon der Padagogik, Bd. 4, Herder: Freiburg 1972, pp. 382-383.
"Die Wissenschaftstheorie - eine bisher unbekannte Form des Irrsinns?" in Natur und Geschichte: X. Kongress fur Philosophie, Kiel 8.-12. Oktober 1972, Kurt Hubner and Albert Menne (eds), Felix Meiner Verlag: Hamburg 1973, pp. 88-124.
"Zahar on Einstein", The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 25: 1 (March 1974) pp. 25-8.
"Machamer on Galileo", Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 5: 3 (November 1974), 297-304.
"Thesen zum Anarchismus" in Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand, Vol. 1 (1974), Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Karin Kramer Verlag: Berlin 1974, pp. 127-33.
German translation by Margot Dehne of 1975.3: Afterword (pp. 176-181).
Hungarian translation by Tamás Miklós in 2002.1,
Reprinted in 1996.5: Ch. 1 (pp. 21-26).
"Die Wissenschaften in einer freien Gesellschaft" in Wissenschafiskrise und Wissenschaftskritik, Philosophie aktuell, Bd. 1, Walther Ch. Zimmerli (ed.), Schwabe and Co.: Basel and Stuttgart 1974, pp. 107-119.
"Brief an Doktor Zimmerli" in Wissenschaftskrise und Wissenschaftskritik, Philosophie aktuell, Bd. 1, Walther Ch. Zimmerli (ed.), Schwabe and Co.: Basel and Stuttgart 1974, pp. 136-137.
"Diskussion" [discussion among Jürgen Klüver, Heinz Kimmerle, Kurt Weisshaupt, Paul K. Feyerabend and Walter Ch. Zimmerli)] in Wissenschafiskrise und Wissenschaftskritik, Philosophie aktuell, Bd. 1, Walther Ch. Zimmerli (ed.), Schwabe and Co.: Basel and Stuttgart 1974, pp. 131-140.
"Imre Lakatos" in Kritik und Erkenntnisfortschritt, Abhandlungen des Internationalen Kolloquiums uber die Philosophie der Wissenschaft, London 1965, Bd. 4, Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave (eds), P. K. Feyerabend and Árpád Szabó (trans.), Friedrich Vieweg and Sohn: Braunschweig 1974, pp. vii-viii.
German translation (with Árpád Szabó) of Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, 1965, Vol. 4, Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave (eds), Cambridge University Press: London and New York 1970: Kritik und Erkenntnisfortschritt: Abhandlungen des Intemationalen Kolloquiums Über die Philosophie der Wissenschaft, London 1965, Bd. 4, Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave (eds), Friedrich Vieweg and Sohn: Braunschweig 1974.
Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge, New Left Books: London and Humanities Press: Atlantic Highlands (NJ), 339 pp.
Verso Edition (London): first published 1978; second impression: 1979; third impression: 1980; fourth impression: 1982; fifth impression: 1984
Second edition (revised): 1988.1
Third edition (revised): 1993.1.
German translation by Hermann Vetter (revised and enlarged by the author): 1976.1.
Brazilian translation by Octanny S. da Mota and Leonidas Hegenberg: 1977.7.
Dutch translation by Hein Kray: 1977.8.
Swedish translation by Thomas Brante: 1977.9.
French translation by Baudouin Jurdant and Agnès Schlumberger: 1979.5.
Italian translation by Libero Sosio: 1979.6.
Spanish translation by Diego Ribes: 1981.12.
Japanese translation by Yōichirō Murakami and Hiroshi Watanabe: 1981.13.
Greek translation by G. Kavkalas and G. Goundaroulis: 1983.20.
Turkish translation by Ahmet İnam: 1989.8.
Chinese translation by Zhou Changzhong: 1992.18, 1996.10
Russian translation by A. L Nikiforova: 2007.1.
"Imre Lakatos", The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 26: 1 (March 1975), 1-18.
"'Science': The Myth and Its Role in Society", Inquiry, 18: 2 (Summer 1975), 167-176.
"Afterword: Theses on Anarchism", Inquiry, 18: 2 (Summer 1975), 167-181.
German translation by Margot Dehne: 1974.4.
Spanish translation by María Asunción Albisu Aparicio: 1993.15: Ch. 1 (pp. ?-?).
French translation by B. Jurdant: 1996.7.
Reprinted as 1980.5.
Reprinted as 1981.15.
Reprinted in 1999.1: Ch. 8 (pp. 181-191).
Italian translation by Libero Sosio: see 1981.15.
"Über einen neuen Versuch, die Vernunft zu retten" [German translation by Spinner-Offterdinger and Helmut F. Spinner] in Wissenschaftssoziologie: Studien und Materialien, Nico Stehr and Rene Konig (eds), Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Sonderheft 18 (1975), 479-514.
"Let's Make More Movies" in The Owl of Minerva: Philosophers on Philosophy, Ch. J. Bontempo and S. J. Odell (eds), McGraw-Hill: New York 1975, pp. 201-210.
Reprinted in 1999.1: Ch. 8 (pp. 192-199).
German translation by Dita Stafsky: 1975.8.
Spanish translation by María Asunción Albisu Aparicio: 1993.17, Ch. 2 (pp. ?-?).
"Wie die Philosophie das Denken verhunzt und der Film es fördert", Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand, Vol. 2 (1975), Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Karin Kramer Verlag: Berlin 1975, pp. 224-237.
German translation by Dita Stafsky of 1975.7.
Reprinted in 1996.5: Ch. 2 (pp. 27-37).
Wider den Methodenzwang: Skizze einer anarchistischen Erkenntnistheorie, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1976, 443 pp.
German translation by Hermann Vetter (revised and enlarged by the author) of: 1975.1.
Second edition (revised by the author): 1983.1.
"Experten in einer freien Gesellschaft", Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand, Vol. 3 (1976), Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Karin Kramer Verlag: Berlin 1976, pp. 11-35.
German version of 1970.2.
Reprinted in 1993.: Ch. 3 (pp. 38-57).
"Über die Methode: Ein Dialog" in Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand, Vol. 3 (1976), Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Karin Kramer Verlag: Berlin 1976, pp. 99-160.
"On the Critique of Scientific Reason" in Method and Appraisal in the Physical Sciences: The Critical Background to Modern Science, 1800-1905, Colin Howson (ed.), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1976, pp. 309-339; and in Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos, R. S. Cohen, Paul K. Feyerabend and M. W. Wartofsky (eds), Reidel: Dordrecht and Boston 1976, pp. 109-143.
Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos, R. S. Cohen, Paul K. Feyerabend and M. W. Wartofsky (eds), Reidel: Dordrecht and Boston 1976, vii+767 pp.
"Preface" (with Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky) in Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos, R. S. Cohen, Paul K. Feyerabend and M. W. Wartofsky (eds), Reidel: Dordrecht and Boston 1976, p. vi.
"Marxist Fairytales From Australia", Inquiry, 20: 2-3 (XXX 1977), 372-397.
"Rationalism, Relativism and Scientific Method", Philosophy in Context, 6: Supplement (1977), pp. 7-19.
German version in 1978.2: pp. 210-217.
Reprinted in 1999.1: Ch. 10 (pp. 200-211).
"Unterwegs zu einer dadaistischen Erkenntnistheorie" [German translation by Reinhard Lauterbach] in Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand, Vol. 4 (1977), Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Karin Kramer Verlag: Berlin 1977, pp. 9-88.
Interview by Willy Hochkeppel (19 December 1977) [Manuscript].
Contra o método: Esboça de una teoria anárquica da teoria do conhecimento, Livraria Francisco Alves: Rio de Janeiro 1977, 487 pp.
Brazilian translation by Octanny S. da Mota and Leonidas Hegenberg of 1975.1.
In strijd met de methode: Aanzet tot een anarchistische kennistheorie, Meppel: Boom 1977, 375 pp.
Dutch translation by Hein Kray of 1975.1.
Ned med metodologin! Skiss till en anarkistisk kunskapsteori, Raben and Sjogren: Zenit 1977, 326 pp.
Swedish translation by Thomas Brante of 1975.1.
Reprint of 1970.2
Science in a Free Society, New Left Books: London and New York 1978 [Verso: London 1982], 221 pp.
Chinese translation by Lan Zheng: 1990.4.
Turkish translation by Ahmet Kardam: 1991.8, 1999.10.
Thai translation of Part Two by Vira Samboon: 2006.3.
Italian translation by Eugen Galasso of Part two, Section 3: 1987.12.
Der wissenschaftstheoretische Realismus und die Autorität der Wissenschaften: Ausgewählte Schriften, Band 1, Vieweg: Wiesbaden 1978, viii+367 pp.
Reprint of 1978.2 (with an Afterword 1978)
"Reply to Tibbetts and Hattiangadi", Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 8: 2 (June 1978), 184-186.
"Jedermann sollte die Möglichkeit haben, seine Wahrheit, seine Falschheit für sich selbst zu wählen", Tagesanzeiger, 15 July 1978.
"Das Märchen Wissenschaft: Plädoyer für einen Supermarkt der Ideen" in Utopien II: Lust an der Zukunft, Karl Markus Michel and Harald Wieser (eds), Kursbuch, 53 (September 1978), 47-70.
"Kleines Gespräch über große Worte", Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand, 5 (1978), Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Karin Kramer: Berlin 1978, pp. 123-39.
"In Defense of Aristotle: Comments on the Condition of Content Increase" in Progress and Rationality in Science, Gerard Radnitzky and Gunnar Andersson (eds), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 58, Reidel: Dordrecht and Boston 1978, pp. 143-80.
"The Gong Show - Popperian Style" in Progress and Rationality in Science, Gerard Radnitzky and Gunnar Andersson (eds), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 58, Reidel: Dordrecht and Boston 1978, pp. 387-392.
"Reply to Hellman's Review", Metaphilosophy, 10: 2 (April 1979), 202-206.
Erkenntnis für Freie Menschen, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1979, 272 pp.
Second edition (revised by the author): 1980.1.
"Vorwort" in Erich Jantsch, Die Selbstorganisation des Universums - Vom Urknall zum menschlichen Geist, Karl Hanser: Munich 1979, pp. 13-15 [Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag: Munich 1982].
Contre la methode: Esquisse d'une théorie anarchiste de la connaissance, Seuil: Paris 1979, 350 pp.
French translation by Baudouin Jurdant and Agnès Schlumberger of 1975.1.
Contro il metodo: Abbozzo di una teoria anarchica della conscenza, Feltrinelli: Milan June 1979, viii+262 pp.
Italian translation by Libero Sosio of 1975.1; second impression: March 1984; third impression: April 2002.
Jak być dobrym empirystą?, Krystna Zamiare (ed.) Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe: Warsaw 1979, 252 pp.
Polish translation by Krystna Zamiare of 1963.6, 1962.3, 1964.5, 1969.3, 1970.5.
Erkenntnis für Freie Menschen, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1980, 300 pp.
Second edition (revised by the author) of 1979.3.
Japanese translation by Yōichirō Murakami and Kimiko Murakami: 1982.6.
Reprinted in 1999.1: Ch. 11 (pp. 212-226).
"Galileo's Observations" [Letter to the editors], Science. 209: 4456 (1 August 1980), 544.
"Warum nicht Platon? Ein kleines Gespräch" [German translation by Gabriele Schädle], ETH-Bulletin, 158 (October 1980).
"How to Defend Society Against Science" in Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Science, E. D Klemke, Robert Hollinger and David A. Kline (eds), Prometheus Books: Buffalo (NY) 1980, pp. 55-65 [revised edition: Prometheus Books: Buffalo (NY) 1988, pp. 34-44].
Reprint of 1975.5.
Probleme des Empirismus. Schriften zur Theorie der Erklärung, der Quantentheorie und der Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Ausgewählte Schriften, Band 2, Vieweg: Wiesbaden 1981, xiv+472 pp.
Realism, Rationalism and Scientific Method: Philosophical Papers, Volume 1, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1981, xiv+353 pp.
French tranlsation by Emmanuel Malolo Dissakè: 2005.2.
Problems of Empiricism: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1981, xii+255 pp.
"Galileo as a Scientist" [Letter to the editors], Science, 211: 4485 (27 February 1981), 876-877.
"Bemerkungen zur Angst vor der Irrationalität", Der Wissenschaftler und das Irrationale, Bd. I: Beiträge aus Ethnologie und Anthropologie, Hans Peter Duerr (ed.) Syndikat: Frankfurt am Main 1981, pp. XXX-XXX.
"Irrationalität oder: Wer hat Angst vorm schwarzen Mann?" in Der Wissenschaftler und das Irrationale, Bd. II: Beiträge aus Philosophie und Psychologie, Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Syndikat: Frankfurt am Main 1981, pp. 37-59.
Italian translation by Francesca Beltrami: 1985.11.
Greek translation by Thanasis Laios: 2018.1.
"Rückblick" in Versuchungen: Aufsätze zur Philosophie Paul Feyerabends, Bd. II, Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1981, pp. 320-372.
"Foreword" in Gonzalo Munévar, Radical Knowledge: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature and Limits of Science, Hackett: Indianapolis (IN) 1981, pp. ix-x.
"Foreword" in Hans Primas, Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics and Reductionism: Perspectives in Theoretical Chemistry, Lecture Notes in Chemistry, Vol. 24, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg and New York 1981, pp. v-viii.
Interview by Teresa Ordunya (March 1981), feyerabend-AT-lists.village.virginia.edu (4 April 1998).
Tratado contra el método, Tecnos: Madrid 1981, xvii+319 pp.
Spanish translation by Diego Ribes of 1975.1 with a preface by the author; second impression: 1986; third impression: 2007.
"Prologo a la edicion castellana" in Tratado contra el método, Tecnos: Madrid 1981, pp. XV-XVII.
Preface to the Spanish translation of 1975.1: see 1981.12.
Hōhō e no chōsen: Kagaku-teki sōzō to chi no anākizumu, Shin'yōsha: Tokyo 5 March 1981, x+438 pp.
Japanese translation by Yoichiro Murakami and Hiroshi Watanabe of 1975.1.
"How to Defend Society Against Science" in Scientific Revolutions, Ian Hacking (ed.), Oxford University Press: Oxford 1981, pp. 156-167.
Reprint of 1975.5.
Italian translation by Libero Sosio: "Come difendere la società contro la scienza" in Rivoluzioni scientifiche, Ian Hacking (ed.), Laterza e Figli: Rome and Bari 1984, pp. 209-228.
"Science - Political Party or Instrument of Research?", Speculations in Science and Technology, 5: 4 (XXX 1982), pp. 343-352.
German version in 1984.1: Ch. 6.
Italian translation by Libero Sosio in 1984.3: pp. 3-22.
Spanish translation by José R. de Rivera in 1984.19: pp. 103-121?.
"Die Aufklärung hat noch nicht begonnen" in Von der Verantwortung des Wissens: Positionen der neueren Philosophie der Wissenschaft, Paul Good (ed.), Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1982, pp. 24-40.
"Redet nicht herum - organisiert Euch", Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand, 10 (1982), Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Karin Kramer: Berlin 1982, pp. 169-174.
Italian translation: 1987.12.
Von der Verantwortung des Wissens: Positionen der neueren Philosophie der Wissenschaft, P. Good and P. K. Feyerabend (eds), Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1982.
Jiyujin no tame no chi: Kagaku-ron no kaitai e, Shin'yōsha: Tokyo 1982, 333 pp.
Japanese translation by Yoichiro Murakami and Kimiko Murakami of 1979.3,
Wider den Methodenzwang, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1983, 423 pp.
Second edition (revised by the author) of 1976.1; second impression: 1986; third impression: 1987.
Hungarian translation by Miklós Mesterházi in 2002.1.
"Wissenschaft als Kunst", Psychologie Heute, 10: 9 (September 1983), 56-62.
"Feyerabend vs. Gardner: Science: Church or Instrument of Research?", Free Inquiry, 3: X (XXX 1983), pp. 58-60.
"Some Observations on Aristotle's Theory of Mathematics and of the Continuum" in Contemporary Perspectives on the History of Philosophy, Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling, Jr and Howard K. Wettstein (eds), Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 8, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis 1983, pp. 67-88.
Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, xi + 303 pp.
"Einleitung" in Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, pp. 1-3.
"Briefwechsel", P. K. Feyerabend and P. R. Ruhstaller in Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, pp. 19-20.
"Die Frage, ob die Theologie eine Wissenschaft sei, ist weder interessant noch gehaltvoll" in Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, pp. 125-128.
"Diskussion" in Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, pp. 133-138.
"Institutionelle Methoden der Wahrheitsgewinnung und Wahrheitsfestlegung in den Wissenschaften" in Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, pp. 139-148.
"Auszüge aus Dokumenten zum " in Wissenschaft und Tradition in Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, pp. 177-181.
"Der Galileiprozess - einige unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen" in Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, pp. 183-192.
"Diskussion" in Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, pp. 237-238.
"Auszüg aus dem Urteil des Distriktrichters gegen das Land Arkansas vom 5. Januar 1982" [translated and summarized by the author] in Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, pp. 227-230.
"Keine Erkenntnis ohne Kunst" in Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, pp. 289-295.
"Diskussion" in Wissenschaft und Tradition, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1983, p. 303.
"Eindrücke 1945-1954' in Vom Reich zu Österreich, J. Jung (ed.), Residenz: Salzburg and Vienna 1983, pp. 263-71.
"Noch einmal: Konnen Hexen fliegen?" (with Stanislaw Lem) in Der gläserne Zaun: Aufsätze zu Hans Peter Duerrs »Traumzeit«, Rolf Gehlen and Bernd Wolf (eds), Syndikat: Frankfurt am Main 1983, pp. 232-242.
Enantia stē methodo: Gia mia anarchikē theōria tēs gnōsēs, Synchrona Teemata: Thessaloniki 1983, pp. 382.
Greek translation by G. Kavkalas and G. Goundaroulis of 1975.1.
Wissenschaft als Kunst, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1984, 170 pp.
Collection of papers including a German version of 1984.11 (enlarged by the author); 1984.18, 1984.17, 1984.16, 1984.2; a German version of 1982.2.
French translation by Françoise Périgaut: 2003.2.
"Erkenntnisse zum Überleben" in 1984.1: Ch. 5.
Italian translation: 1984.7.
Spanish translation by José R. de Rivera in 1984.19.
Scienza come arte, Laterza: Roma 1984, XXXIII+199 pp.
Italian translation by Libero Sosio of 1984.4, 1982.2, 1987.2, 1984.1: Ch. 1, 1984.18, 1984.17.
"Slogan metodologici e pratica scientifica - Replica di Paul K. Feyerabend [a Marcello Pera]" in 1984.3: pp. XXVII-XXXIV.
"Conoscere per sopravvivere", Prometeo: Rivista trimestrale di scienza e storia, 2: 8 (December 1984), 16-25.
"On the Limits of Research", New Ideas in Psychology, 2: 1 (1984), 3-7.
"Science as Art: A Discussion of Riegl's Theory of Art and an Attempt to Apply it to the Sciences", Art and Text, 12-13 (Summer 1983 - Autumn 1984), 16-46.
German version (enlarged by the author): 1984.1: Ch. 1.
Italian translation by Libero Sosio in 1984.3: pp. 93-156.
Spanish translation by José R. de Rivera 1984.19: pp. 123-189?.
"Xenophanes: A Forerunner of Critical Rationalism?" [English translation by Dr. John Krois] in Rationality in Science and Politics, Gunnar Andersson (ed.), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 79, Reidel: Dordrecht and Boston 1984, pp. 95-109.
"Philosophy of Science 2001" in Methodology, Metaphysics and the History of Science: In memory of Benjamin Nelson, Robert S. Cohen and Marx W Wartofsky (eds), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 84, Reidel: Dordrecht and Boston 1984, pp. 137-147.
Kunst und Wissenschaft, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1984, x+250 pp.
"Einleitung" in Kunst und Wissenschaft, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1984, pp. 1-5.
"Ganzheits- und Aggregatauffassungen, illustriert am Beispiel der Kontinuität und der Bewegung" in Kunst und Wissenschaft, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1984, pp. 151-158.
Reprinted in 1984.1: Ch. 4.
"Kreativität - Grundlage der Wissenschaften und der Künste oder leeres Gerede?" in Kunst und Wissenschaft, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1984, pp. 187-199.
Reprinted in 1984.1: Ch. 3.
Italian translation by Libero Sosio in 1984.3: pp. 177-189.
"Quantitativer und qualitativer Fortschritt in Kunst, Philosophie und Wissenschaft" in Kunst und Wissenschaft, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1984, pp. 217-230.
Reprinted in 1984.1: Ch. 2.
English version: 1986.4.
Italian translation by Libero Sosio in 1984.3: pp. 163-176.
Adiós a la razón, Tecnos: Madrid 1984 (second impression 1987), 195 pp.
Spanish translation by José R. de Rivera of 1984.2, 1987.2, 1982.2, 1984.1: Ch. 1.
"Feyerabend racconta Feyerabend" [Interview by Grazia Borrini (Zurich-Berkeley, Spring-Summer 1984)], Scienza Esperienza, 3: 22 (March 1985), pp. 15-22.
"Kleine Anleitung zum Denken - speziell geschrieben für Herrn Stanislaw Lem", Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand, 14 (1985), Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Karin Kramer: Berlin 1985, pp. 133-135.
"Galileo and the Tyranny of Truth" in The Galileo Affair, a Meeting of Faith and Science: Proceedings of the Cracow Conference 24 to 27 May 1984, G. V Cogne, M. Hellor and J. Zycinski (eds), Specola Vaticana: Vatican City 1985, pp. 155-165.
"Reply" in The Galileo Affair: A Meeting of Faith and Science, Proceedings of the Cracow Conference 24 to 27 May 1984, G. V Cogne, M. Hellor and J. Zycinski (eds), Specola Vaticana: Vatican City 1985, pp. 165-166.
"Autoritare Konstruktionen oder demokratische Entschlusse? Bemerkungen zum Problem des kulturellen Pluralismus" in Objektivationen des Geistigen: Beiträge Zur Kulturphilosophie in Gedenken an Walther Schmied-Kowarzik (1885-1954), Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (ed.), Dietrich Reimer: Berlin 1985, pp. 137-144.
Grenzprobleme der Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1985, xviii+429 pp.
"Einleitung" in Grenzprobleme der Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1985, pp. 1-3.
"Begrifflichkeit: Grundlage von Wissenschaft: Diskussionsbeitrag" in Grenzprobleme der Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1985, pp. 123-125.
"Diskussionsbeitrag zu Liebe und Tod" in Grenzprobleme der Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1985, pp. 179-181.
"Die Rolle von Fachleuten in einer freien Gesellschaft" in Grenzprobleme der Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1985, pp. 325-333.
"L’irrazionalità ovvero: chi ha paura dell’uomo nero?", Aut Aut 205/1985 (gennaio/febbraio 1985), pp. 67-86.
Italian translation by Francesca Beltrami of: 1981.7.
"Trivializing Knowledge: A Review of Popper's Postscript", Inquiry, 29: 1 (XXX 1986), 93-119.
"Science and Ideology: A Response to Rollin", New Ideas in Psychology, 4: 2 (1986), 153-158.
"Eingebildete Vernunft: Die Kritik des Xenophanes an den Homerischen Göttern" in Zur Kritik der wissenschaftlichen Rationalität: Zum 65. Geburtstag von Kurt Hubner, Hans Lenk (ed.), Karl Alber: Freiburg and München 1986, pp. 205-223.
"Progress and Reality in the Arts and in the Sciences" in Progress in Science and Its Social Conditions: Proceedings of a Nobel Symposium 58, Held at Lidingoe, Sweden, 15-19 August 1983, Tord Ganelius (ed.), Pergamon Press: Oxford 1986, pp. 223-233.
Reprinted in 1987.1 as Ch (with a different title).
German version: 1984.18.
"Philosophie in einer wissenschaftsgetrankten Kultur" in Ziele und Inhalte von Erziehung und Unterricht, Hans-Dieter Haller and Hilbert Meyer (eds), Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft: Handbuch und Lexikon der Erziehung, Bd. 3, Klett-Cotta: Stuttgart 1986, pp. 157-162.
Nutzniesser und Betroffene von Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1986, x+241 pp.
"Einleitung" in Nutzniesser und Betroffene von Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1986, pp. 1-6.
"Diskussionsbeitrag zu: Experten in der Politik" in Nutzniesser und Betroffene von Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1986, pp. 121-122.
"Diskussionsbeitrag zu: Biologen als Benutzer von Physik und Chemie" in Nutzniesser und Betroffene von Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1986, pp. 131-132.
"Diskussionsbeitrag zu: Studenten zwischen Aussenseitertum und Berufsstolz" in Nutzniesser und Betroffene von Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1986, pp. 161-165.
"Irrtümer und Betrügereien in den Wissenschaften: Diskussionsbeitrag" in Nutzniesser und Betroffene von Wissenschaften, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1986, pp. 213-218.
Farewell to Reason, Verso: London and New York 1987, 327 pp.
French translation by Baudouin Jurdant: 1989.10.
Turkish translation by Ertuğrul Başer: 1995.14, 2012.1.
"Farewell to Reason" in 1987.1: Ch. 12.
Italian translation by Libero Sosio in 1984.3: pp. 23-92.
Spanish translation by José R. de Rivera: 1984.19: pp. 19-101?.
"Creativity - A Dangerous Myth", Critical Inquiry, 13: 4 (Summer 1987), 700-711.
"Cultural Pluralism or Brave New Monotony" in The Culture of Fragments: notes on the question of order in a pluralistic world, Gianmarco Vergani, Peter Shinoda and David Kesler (eds), Precis [The Journal of The Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation], 6 (Spring 1987), Rizzoli International: New York 1987, pp. 35-45.
"Mill e Hegel: due modelli di cambiamento epistemico", Lettera Internazionale, 14 (IV Quarter 1987).
Leben mit den 'Acht Todsünden der zivilisierten Menschheit'? Eine aktuelle Diskussion an der ETH Zürich zu den Thesen von Konrad Lorenz, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1987, xxv+416 pp.
"Einleitung" in Leben mit den 'Acht Todsünden der zivilisierten Menschheit'? Eine aktuelle Diskussion an der ETH Zürich zu den Thesen von Konrad Lorenz, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1987, pp. 1-8.
"Bemerkungen zu Varela: Ein Weg entsteht im Unterwegssein" in Leben mit den "Acht Todsünden der zivilisierten Menschheit"? Eine aktuelle Diskussion an der ETH Zürich zu den Thesen von Konrad Lorenz, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1987, pp. 325-329.
"Zusammenfassung der Diskussion" [contributions in the discussion] Leben mit den 'Acht Todsünden der zivilisierten Menschheit'? Eine aktuelle Diskussion an der ETH Zürich zu den Thesen von Konrad Lorenz, Paul Feyerabend and Christian Thomas (eds), Verlag der Fachvereine: Zurich 1987, pp. 353-368.
"Begegnungen in Alpbach" in Dokumente, Materialen, und Bilder zur 100. Wiederkehr des Geburtages von Erwin Schrödinger, Gabriele Kerber, Auguste Dick and Wolfgang Kerber (eds), Fassbaender: Vienna 1987, p. 127.
"Com'è brutta l'ecologia dei filosofi", Pensare l'ecologia - Volontà, 41: 2-3 (1987), pp. .
Italian translation of 1982.4.
"Lo spettro del relativismo", Lo scienziato e il filosofo - Volontà, 41: 4 (1987), pp. .
Italian translation by Eugen Galasso of 1978.1: Part two, Section 3.
Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge, Verso: London and New York 1988, viii+ 296 pp.
Second edition (revised) of 1975.1
Third edition (revised): 1993.1
Fourth edition: 2010.1.
"Knowledge and the Role of Theories", Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 18: 2 (June 1988), 157-178.
"Creativity", L'Eco di Locarno, 1 October 1988, Speciale sabato [Gio Rezzonico (ed.)].
"Perché essere 'scientifico'?" [Italian translation by XXX] in La svolta relativistica nell'epistemologia contemporanea, Rosaria Egidi (ed.), Franco Angeli: Milano: 1988, pp. 87-93.
"Abstrakte oder persönliche Rechtfertigung" in Streitbare Philosophie: Margherita von Brentano zum 65. Geburtstag, Gabriele Althaus and Irmingard Staeuble (eds), Metropol: Berlin 1988, pp. 53-67.
"Galileo e gli dei omerici" [Italian translation by Gianni Rigamonti], Nuove effemeridi, 2 (1988), pp. 54-59.
"Realism and the Historicity of Knowledge", The Journal of Philosophy, 86: 8 (August 1989), 393-406.
"Antilogikē" in Freedom and Rationality: Essays in Honor of John Watkins From his Colleagues and Friends, Fred D'Agostino and I. C. Jarvie (eds), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 117, Kluwer : Dordrecht, Boston and London 1989, pp. 185-189.
"Logic, Science and Politics - Sketch of a Unitary View" in Science, Mind, and Psychology: Essays in Honor of Grover Maxwell, Mary Lou Maxwell and Wade Savage (eds), University Press of America: Lanham (MD) and London 1989, pp. 339-353.
"Wem nützt die Wissenschaftstheorie?" in Traditionen und Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie: Festschrift für Rudof Haller, Wolfgang L. Gombocz, Heiner Rutte and Werner Sauer (eds), Holder-Pichler-Tempsky: Vienna 1989, pp. 568-574.
"Erkenntnistheorie, anarchische", Handlexikon zur Wissenschaftstheorie, Helmut Seiffert and Gerard Radnitzky (eds), Ehrenwirth: Munich 1989, pp. 58-61.
"Rationalismus", Handlexikon zur Wissenschaftstheorie, Helmut Seiffert and Gerard Radnitzky (eds), Ehrenwirth: Munich 1989, pp. 280-282.
"Relativismus", Handlexikon zur Wissenschaftstheorie, Helmut Seiffert and Gerard Radnitzky (eds), Ehrenwirth: Munich 1989, pp. 292-296.
Yönteme Hayır: Bir Anarşist Bilgi Kuramının Ana Hatları, Ara: Istanbul 1989, 325 pp.
Turkish translation by Ahmet İnam of 1975.1, with an English preface by the author (1989.9).
"First World Science - One Science among Many" in Yönteme Hayır: Bir Anarşist Bilgi Kuramının Ana Hatları, Ara: Istanbul 1989, pp. 9-12.
Preface to the Turkish translation of 1975.1: see 1989.8.
Adieu la raison, Seuil: Paris 1989, 373 pp. (second impression 1996).
French translation by Baudouin Jurdant of 1987.1.
"Un giudice per Galileo" [Interview by Marcello Frediani], Il Sabato, 19 (12 May 1990), p. 54-57.
"Anteprima: Ma la Chiesa fu più razionale", Il Sabato, 19 (12 May 1990), p. 54-57.
"Grandi intuizioni e non piccoli esperimenti" [Interview by Grazia Borrini] Riza scienze, 39 (July-August 1990): La banca delle idee: Pittori, scienziati, psicoterapeuti, giornalisti, scrittori, si confrontano sulla creatività e i suoi segreti, pp. 58-67.
Zi you she hui zhong de ke xue, Shanghai Translation Publishing House: Shanghai 1990, 257 pp.
Chinese translation by Lan Zheng of 1978.1.
Three Dialogues on Knowledge, Blackwell: Oxford 1991.
"Dialogo con la natura" [Italian translation by Maria Paola Arena], Prometeo: Rivista trimestrale di scienza e storia, 9: 33 (March 1991), 6-13.
"Monster in the Mind", The Guardian,13 December 1991, p. 26.
"Miseria dell'epistemologia", Lettera Internazionale, 30 (IV Quarter 1991), XXX-XXX.
"Concluding Unphilosophical Conversation" in Beyond Reason: Essays on the Philosophy of Paul Feyerabend, Gonzalo Munévar (ed.), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 132, Kluwer: Dordrecht, Boston and London 1991, pp. 487-527.
"Gods and Atoms: Comments on the Problem of Reality" in Thinking Clearly about Psychology: Essays in honor of Paul E. Meehl, Vol. 1: Matters of Public Interest, Dante Cicchetti and William M. Grove (eds), University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis 1991, pp. 91-99.
Özgür bir toplumda bilim, Ayrinti: Istanbul 1991, 265 pp.
Turkish translation by Ahmet Kardam of 1978.1.
New edition: 1999.10.
"Call for Papers: ix, x, xi", Common Knowledge, 1: 1 (Spring 1992), 8-10.
"Atoms and Consciousness", Common Knowledge, 1: 1 (Spring 1992), 28-32.
"Erkenntnis ohne Theorie: Vom Nutzen der Abstraktion und vom Recht des Besonderen", Lettre International [German edition], 16 (Spring 1992), 66-71.
Little Review of [Edward Teller, Conversations on the Dark Secrets of Physics, Plenum Press: New York 1991], Common Knowledge, 1: 1 (Spring 1992), 152.
Little Review of [Herbert A. Simon, Models of My Life, Basic Books: New York 1991], Common Knowledge, 1: 1 (Spring 1992), p. 153.
"Response to Toulmin", Common Knowledge, 1: 2 (Fall 1992), 16.
Little Review of [Peter W. Huber, Galileo's Revenge, Basic Books: New York 1991], Common Knowledge, 1: 2 (Fall 1992), 130.
Little Review of [Alan P. Lightman and Roberta Brawer, Origins: The Lives and Worlds of Modern Cosmologists, Harvard University PRess: Cambridge (MA) 1990], Common Knowledge, 1: 3 (Winter 1992), 161-162.
"Nature as a Work of Art: A Fictitious Lecture Delivered to a Conference Trying to Establish the Increasing Importance of Aesthetics for Our Age", Common Knowledge, 1: 3 (Winter 1992), 3-9.
Little Review of [History of the American Cinema, Charles Harpole (ed.), Charles Scribner's Sons: New York 1990-(2000)], Common Knowledge, 1: 3 (Winter 1992), 162.
"Quantum Theory and our View of the World", Stroom: Mededelingenblad Faculteit Natuur- en Sterrenkunde, 6: 28 (XXX 1992), pp. 19-24.
"Ethics as a Measure of Scientific Truth" in From the Twilight of Probability: Ethics and Politics, William R. Shea and Antonio Spadafora (eds), Science History Publications: Canton (MA) 1992, pp. 106-114.
"Historical Comments on Realism" in International Conference on Bell's Theorem and the Foundations of Modern Physics, A. van der Merve, F. Selleri and G. Tarozzi (eds), World Scientific Pub.: Singapore 1992, pp. 194-202.
"Il relativismo ontologico" [Italian translation by Roberta Lanfredini], Iride: Filosofia e discussione pubblica, 8 (January-April 1992) pp. 7-20.
Philosophie, Psychoanalyse, Emigration: Festschrift fur Kurt Rudolf Fischer zum 70. Geburtstag, Peter Muhr, Paul Feyerabend and Cornelia Wegeler (eds), WUV-Universitatsverlag: Vienna 1992, 488 pp.
"Sulla diversità della scienza" in Immagini e metafore della scienza, L. Preta (ed.), Laterza: Roma-Bari 1992, pp. 155-163.
Spanish translation by Nadividad Sánchez Sainz-Trapaga: 1993.13.
Fan dui fang fa : wu zheng fu zhu yi zhi shi lun gang yao, Shanghai Translation Publishing House: Shanghai 1992, 269 pp.
Chinese translation by Zhou Changzhong of 1975.1.
Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge, Verso: London and New York, xiv+279 pp.
Third edition (revised by the author) of 1975.1, 1988.1.
Fourth edition: 2010.1.
Slovenian translation by Slavko Hozjan: 1999.8.
Turkish translation by Ertuğrul Başer: 1999.9.
Czech translation by Jiří Fiala: 2001.3.
Hungarian translation by Gabriella Tarnóczy in 2002.1.
Brazilian translation by Cezar Augusto Mortari: 2003.1.
Dutch translation by Marjolijn Stoltenkamp: 2008.
"Ein absolutes Prinzip Vielfalt wäre Idiotie" [Interview by Gregor Schiemann], der Freitag, 8: 6 (19 February 1993).
Little Review of [James S. Romm, The Edges of the Earth in Ancient Thought: Geography, Exploration, and Fiction, Princeton University Press: Princeton (NJ) 1992], Common Knowledge, 2: 1 (Spring 1993), p. 125.
Little Review of [Peter Achinstein, Particles and Waves: Historical Essays in the Philosophy of Science, Oxford University Press: New York 1991], Common Knowledge, 2: 1 (Spring 1993), 126-7.
Little Review of [Joan Lisa Bromberg, The Laser in America, 1950-70, MIT Press: Cambridge (MA) 1991; Abraham Pais, Niels Bohr's Times in Physics, Philosophy and Polity, Clarendon Press: Oxford and Oxford University Press: New York 1991; Andrew Pickering, Science as Practice and Culture, University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1992], Common Knowledge, 2: 1 (Spring 1993), 127.
"La natura come opera d'arte", Lettera Internazionale, 37 (III Quarter 1993), XXX-XXX.
"Intellectuals and the Facts of Life", Common Knowledge, 2: 3 (Winter 1993), 6-9.
Little Review of [David C. Lindberg, The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450, University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1992], Common Knowledge, 2: 3 (Winter 1993), 141.
Little Review of [Mary Louise Pratt, Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transmigration, Routledge: London and New York 1992], Common Knowledge, 2: 3 (Winter 1993), 141-142.
Little Review of [Eugene S. Ferguson, Engineering and the Mind's Eye, MIT Press: Cambridge (MA) 1992], Common Knowledge, 2: 3 (Winter 1993), 142.
"The End of Epistemology?" in Physics, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Essays in Honor of Adolf Grünbaum, R. S. Cohen and Larry Laudan (eds), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 76, Reidel: Dordrecht and Boston 1993, pp. 187-204.
"Not a Philosopher", Falling in Love with Wisdom: American Philosophers Talk about their Calling, D. D. Karnos and R. G. Shoemaker (eds) Oxford University Press: New York 1993, pp. 16-17.
"Sobre la diversidad de la ciencia" in Imágenes y metáforas de la ciencia, Lorena Preta (ed.), Alianza: Madrid 1993, pp. 152-159.
Spanish translation by Nadividad Sánchez Sainz-Trapaga of 1992.17.
¿Por qué no Platón?, Tecnos: Madrid 1993, 192 pp.
Spanish translation by María Asunción Albisu Aparicio of 1970.3, 1974.5, 1975.7.
Chi to wa nani ka: Mittsu no taiwa, Shin'yōsha: Tokyo 1993, 304 pp.
Japanese translation by Yōichirō Murakami of (Dialogo sul metodo, Dialoghi sulla conoscenza)
New edition: 2007.2.
Little Review of [Kathleen A. Wellman, La Mettrie: Medicine, Philosophy and Enlightenment, Duke University Press: Durham 1992], Common Knowledge, 3: 1 (Spring 1994), 147.
Little Review of [B. J. T. Dobb, The Janus Faces of Genius: The Role of Alchemy in Newton's Thought, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge and New York 1991], Common Knowledge, 3: 1 (Spring 1994), 149.
Little Review of [Larry J. Schaaf, Out of The Shadows: Herschel, Talbot and the Invention of Photography, Yale University Press, New Haven (CT) 1992], Common Knowledge, 3: 1 (Spring 1994), 149.
Little Review of [Sandra L. Hindman, Printing the Written Word: The Social History of Books, Circa 1450-1520, Cornell University Press: Ithaca (NY) 1991], Common Knowledge, 3: 1 (Spring 1994), 149-150.
Little Review of [Paul Thagard, Conceptual Revolutions and Michael E. Gorman, Simulating Science: Heuristics, Mental Models, and Techno Scientific Thinking], Common Knowledge, 3: 1 (Spring 1994), 150.
Little Review of [Will Wright, Wild Knowledge: Science, Language and Social Life in a Fragile Environment, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis 1992], Common Knowledge, 3: 1 (Spring 1994), 151.
Little Review of [Jean Dietz Moss, Novelties in the Heavens: Rhetoric and Science in the Copemican Controversy, University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1993], Common Knowledge, 3: 2 (Fall 1994), 158.
Little Review of [Mario Biagioli, Galileo Courtier: The Practice of Science in the Culture of Absolutism, University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1993 and Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Reconstructing Scientific Revolutions: Thomas S. Kuhn's Philosophy of Science, University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1993], Common Knowledge, 3: 3 (Winter 1994), 173.
"Potentially Every Culture is All Cultures", Common Knowledge, 3: 2 (Fall 1994), 16-22.
Italian translation by Guido Lagomarsino: 1994.17.
Italian translation by Maria Grazia Ciani: 1996.8; reprinted as 1996.9.
"Concerning an Appeal for Philosophy", Common Knowledge, 3: 3 (Winter 1994), 10-13.
Reprinted in 1999.2: Part two, Ch. 12 (pp. 169-173).
Italian translation: 1996.3.
"Realism" in Artifacts, Representations and Social Practice: Essays for Marx Wartofsky, Carol C. Gould and Robert S. Cohen (eds), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 154, Kluwer: Dordrecht, Boston and London 1994, pp. 205-222.
"Has the Scientific View of the World a Special Status, Compared with Other Views?" in Physics and Our View of the World, J. Hilgevoord (ed.), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1994, pp. 135-148.
"Idee: balocchi intellettuali o guide per la vita?" [Italian translation by Antonella Iocca] in Il caso e la libertà, Mauro Ceruti, Paolo Fabbri, Giulio Giorello and Lorena Preta (eds), Laterza: Rome and Bari 1994, pp. 28-53.
"Università e primi viaggi: Un'autobiografia", Atque: materiali tra filosofia e psicoterapia [P. F. Pieri (ed.)], 1994: 10 (November 1994 - April 1995), pp. 9-26.
Pre-print of 1994.16: Ch. 6.
Ammazzando il tempo: Un'autobiografia, Laterza: Rome and Bari 1994, 219 pp.
Italian translation by Alessandro de Lachenal of 1995.1.
"Contro l'ineffabilità culturale", Tutto è relativo, o no? - Volontà, 48: 2-3 (1994), 97-106.
Italian translation by Guido Lagomarsino of 1994.10.
Killing Time: The Autobiography of Paul Feyerabend, University of Chicago Press: Chicago and London 1995, 192 pp.
Italian translation by Alessandro de Lachenal: 1994.16.
German translation by Joachim Jung: 1995.12.
Spanish translation by Fabián Chueca: 1995.13.
Portuguese translation by Raul Fiker: 1996.6.
Greek translation by G?????? ?a?as?e??p?????: 1997.2.
Turkish translation by Nedim Çatlı: 1997.3.
Japanese translation by Yōichirō Murakami: 1997.4.
Dutch translation by Rein Gerritsen: 1998.2.
French translation by Baudouin Jurdant: 1998.1.
Russian translation by Victor Zatsepin: 2021.1.
"Zum Leben braucht man die Nähe zu den Menschen - Paul Feyerabend im Gespräch mit Matthias Kroß', Information Philosophie, 1995: 1 (March 1995), pp. 28-32 [First published in the Berlin news magazine Zitty].
"Erkenntnis und Praxis - Gefahren der Abstraktion, Fallgruben des Realen" [text based on an interview with an Italian television station], Lettre International [German edition], 29 (Summer 1995), pp. 20-23.
"Universals as Tyrants and as Mediators" in Critical Rationalism, Metaphysics and Science: Essays for Joseph Agassi, Volume I, I. C. Jarvie and N. Laor (eds), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 161, Kluwer: Dordrecht, Boston and London 1995, pp. 3-14.
"Bohr, Niels" in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, Ted Honderich (ed.), Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York 1995, p. 98.
"Mach, Ernst" in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, Ted Honderich (ed.), Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York 1995, p. 516.
"Philosophy: World and Underworld" in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, Ted Honderich (ed.), Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York 1995, p. 678.
"Science, History of the Philosophy of" in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, Ted Honderich (ed.), Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York 1995, pp. 806-809.
Briefe an einen Freund, H. P. Duerr (ed.), Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1995, 291 pp.
Zeitverschwendung, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1995, 250 pp.
German translation by Joachim Jung of 1995.1.
Matando el tiempo: Autobiografia, Debate: Madrid 1995, xxviii+177 pp.
Spanish translation by Fabián Chueca of 1995.1.
Akla veda, Ayrıntı: Istanbul 1995, 385 pp.
Turkish translation by Ertuğrul Başer of 1987.1.
New edition: 2012.1.
Ambiguità e armonia: Lezioni trentine, Francesca Castellani (ed.), Laterza: Rome and Bari 1996.
Italian translation by Caterina Castellani of 2011.1.
"Theoreticians, Artists and Artisans", Leonardo, 29: 1 (1996), 23-28.
"II calderone delle streghe", L'almanacco dell'Altana 1996, Edizioni dell'Altana: Rome 1996, pp. 89-93.
Italian translation of 1994.11,
Thesen zum Anarchismus: Artikel aus der Reihe "Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand", Thorsten Hinz (ed.), Karin Kramer: Berlin 1996, 240 pp.
Reprint of 1974., 1975.7, , .
Matando o Tempo – uma autobiografia, UNESP: São Paulo 1996, 200 pp.
Portuguese translation by Raul Fiker of 1995.1.
"Thèses sur l’anarchisme épistémologique", Alliage, 28 (1996), 4-7.
French translation by B. Jurdant of 1974.4.
"Contro l'ineffabilità culturale: Oggettivismo, relativismo e altre chimere" in Universalità & differenza: Cosmopolitismo e relativismo nelle relazioni tra identità sociali e culture, Giorgio De Finis and Riccardo Scartezzini (eds), Franco Angeli: Milan 1996, pp. 27-35.
Italian translation by Maria Grazia Ciani of 1994.10.
Reprinted as 1996.9.
"Contro l'ineffabilità culturale: Oggettivismo, relativismo e altre chimere" in Clifford Geertz and Paul K. Feyerabend, Anti-Anti-relativismo - Contro l'ineffabilità culturale, Il Mondo 3, 2:1 (June 1996), Rome, pp. 6-11.
Reprint of 1996.8.
Fan dui fang fa, Chu ban: Taipei 1996.
Chinese translation by Zhou Changzhong of 1993.1.
"2001: odissea nella scienza", Fondamentalismi senza veli - Volontà, 50: 1 (1996), .
Italian translation of
Paul Feyerabend, Hans Albert: Briefwechsel, W. Baum, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer 1997.
ΣΚΟΤΩΝΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΟ ΧΡΟΝΟ, Pendulum: Athens 1997, 242 pp.
Greek translation by Giannis Paraskevopoulos of 1995.1.
Vakit öldürmek: otobiyografi, Ayrıntı: Istanbul 1997, 180 pp.
Turkish translation by Nedim Çatlı of 1995.1.
Tetsugaku, on'na,-uta, soshite... : Faiyaābento jiden, Sangyō tosho: Tokyo 1997, 281 pp.
Japanese translation by Yōichirō Murakami of 1995.1.
Tuer le temps, Seuil: Paris 1998, 236 pp.
French translation by Baudouin Jurdant of 1995.1.
Tijdverspilling: De autobiografie van Paul Feyerabend, Lemniscaat: Rotterdam 1998, 239 pp.
Dutch translation by Rein Gerritsen of 1995.1.
Widerstreit und Harmonie: Trentiner Vorlesungen, P. Engelmann (ed.), Passagen: Vienna 1998, 200 pp.
German translation by S. Rodl of 2011.1.
Knowledge, Science and Relativism: Philosophical Papers, Volume 3, John Preston (ed.), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1999.
Reprint of, 1962.1, 1963.6, 1968.4, 1970.2, 1970.8, 1975.5, 1975.7, 1977.3, 1980.2; English translation by E. Oberheim and D. Sirtes of 1960.6 and 1972.1.
Chinese translation by Chen Jian et al.: 2006.4.
The Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being, Bert Terpstra (ed.), University of Chicago Press: Chicago and London 1999, 303 pp.
"Theses on Anarchism" in For and Against Method: including Lakatos’s lectures on scientific method and the Lakatos-Feyerabend correspondence, M. Motterlini (ed.), University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1999 [1973], pp. 113-118.
"The Lakatos-Feyerabend Correspondence (1968-1974)" in For and Against Method: including Lakatos’s lectures on scientific method and the Lakatos-Feyerabend correspondence, Matteo Motterlini (ed.), University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1999, pp. 118-373.
"Letters to the Director of the Department of Philosophy" in For and Against Method: including Lakatos’s lectures on scientific method and the Lakatos-Feyerabend correspondence, Matteo Motterlini (ed.), University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1999, pp. 382-393.
Une connaissance sans fondements, Dianoïa: Chennevières-sur-Marne 1999, 127 pp.
French translation by Emmanuel Malolo Dissakè of 1962.1.
Ambigüedad y Armonía, Paidós: Madrid 1999, 162 pp.
Spanish translation by Antoni Beltrán and José Romo of 2011.1.
Proti metodi, Studia humanitatis: Ljubljana 1999, 412 pp.
Slovenian translation by Slavko Hozjan of 1993.1.
Yönteme karşı, Ayrıntı: Istanbul 1999, 352 pp.
Turkish translation by Ertuğrul Başer of 1993.1.
Özgür bir toplumda bilim, Ayrıntı: Istanbul 1999, 299 pp.
New edition of 1991.8.
"Paul Feyearbend: Last Interview - Conducted by Joachim Jung" in The Worst Enemy of Science: Essays in Memory of Paul Feyerabend, J. Preston, G. Munévar, D. Lamb (eds), Oxford University Press: New York 2000, pp. 159-168.
Wissenschaftstheoretische Plaudereien: Originaltonaufnahmen 1971-1992, Klaus Sander (ed.), Audio-CD: 60 min., Supposé: Cologne 2000.
"Selbstinterview" [self-interview, Rome 1990] in Wissenschaftstheoretische Plaudereien: Originaltonaufnahmen 1971-1992, Klaus Sander (ed.), Audio-CD: 60 min., Supposé: Cologne 2000, booklet (24 pp.).
"Letter to the Reader" [of 1999a], London Review of Books, 22: 12 (22 June 2000), pp. 28-29.
Isaac Ben-Israel, "Philosophy and Methodology of Military Intelligence: Correspondence with Paul Feyerabend", Philosophia, 28: 1-4 (June 2001), 71-101.
Stories From Paolino's Tapes - Private Recordings 1984-1993, Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend and Klaus Sander (eds), Audio-CD: 68 min., Supposé: Cologne 2001.
Rozprava proti metodě, Aurora: Prague 2001, 431 pp.
Czech translation by Jiří Fiala of 1993.1.
A módszer ellen, Atlantizs: Budapest 2002, 649 pp.
Hungarian translation by Miklós Mesterházi of 1983.1; Hungarian translation by Gabriella Tarnóczy of 1993.1; Hungarian translation by Tamás Miklós of 1974.4.
Probleme des Empirismus, Teil I, Reclam: Stuttgart 2002, 261 pp.
German translation by Volker Böhnigk and Rainer Noske of 1965.
Αποχαιρετισμός στον λόγο, Stelios Virvidakis (ed.), Pendulum: Athens 2002, 469 pp.
Greek translation by Paris Bourlakis of 1987.1.
Contra o método, UNESP: São Paulo 2007, pp. 376
Brazilian translation by Cezar Augusto Mortari of 1993.1.
La science en tant qu'art, Albin Michel: Paris 2003, 169 pp.
French translation by Françoise Périgaut of 1984.1.
Spanish translation by Fernando Tula Molina of 1960.6.
Réalisme, Rationalisme et Méthode Scientifique: Ecrits Philosophiques I, Dianoïa: Chennevières-sur-Marne 2005, 447 pp.
French translation of Emmanuel Malolo Dissakè of 1981.2.
"I limiti dell’astrazione" [Interview by Renato Parascandolo], Lettera Internazionale, 88 (II Quarter 2006), XXX-XXX.
Withyāṣ̄ās̄tr̒ nı s̄ạngkhm s̄erī, Chulalongkorn University Book Center: Bangkok 2006. 92 pp.
Thai translation by Vira Somboon of 1978.1: Part Two.
Zhīshì, kēxué yǔ xiāngduì zhǔyì, Jiangsu People's Publishing House: Nanjing 2006, 244 pp.
Chinese translation by Chen Jian et al. of 1999.1.
Protiv metoda: ocherk anarhistskoj teorii poznanija, AST: Moscow 2007, pp. 416.
Russian translation by A. L Nikiforova of 1975.1.
Chi ni tsuite no mittsu no taiwa, Chikumashobō 2007, 330 pp.
New edition of 1993.16.
Paul Feyerabend, Hans Albert: Briefwechsel Band 1 (1958-1971), W. Baum (ed.), Kitab: Klagenfurt and Vienna 2008.
Paul Feyerabend, Hans Albert: Briefwechsel Band 2 (1972-1986), W. Baum (ed.). Kitab: Klagenfurt and Vienna 2008.
Tegen de methode, Lemniscaat: Rotterdam 2008, pp. 384.
Dutch translation by Marjolijn Stoltenkamp of 1993.1.
Naturphilosophie, Helmut Heit and Eric Oberheim (eds), Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 2009, 384 pp.
Spanish translation by Chamorro Mielke Joaquin: 2013.2.
French translation by Matthieu Dumont and Arthur Lochmann: 2014.1.
English translation: 2016.2.
Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge, Verso: London 2010, xvi+296 pp.
Fourth edition of 1975.1, 1988.1, 1993.1: reprint of 1993.1 with an introduction by Ian Hacking.
"Die Dogmen der Empirismus" in Vertreibung, Transformation und Rückkehr der Wissenschaftstheorie: Am Beispiel von Rudolf Carnap und Wolfgang Stegmüller, Friedrich Stadler (ed.), LIT: Vienna-Berlin 2010 [1951], pp. 410-436.
"Die Geisteswissenschaften in Österreich" in Verdrängter Humanismus – verzögerte Aufklärung, Bd. VI, Auf der Suche nach authentischem Philosophieren – Philosophie in Österreich 1951–2000, Knoll Reinhold and Benedikt Michael (eds), facultas.wuv: Vienna 2010 [1954], pp. 19-XXX.
Abridged English translation by Ingeborg Satinger, Vilma Anderl and Elvin Schlecht: 1955.4.
Aber ein Paul hilft doch dem anderen: Briefwechsel Paul Feyerabend - Paul Hoyningen-Huene 1983-1994, Ch. Augustin (ed.), Passagen: Vienna 2010.
The Tyranny of Science, Eric Oberheim (ed.), Polity: Cambridge 2011, 180 pp.
Italian translation by Caterina Castellani: 1996.1.
German translation by S. Rodl: 1998.3.
Spanish translation by Antoni Beltrán and José Romo: 1999.7.
French translation by Baudoin Jurdant: 2014.2.
Portuguese translation by Rogério Bettoni: 2016.3.
Persian translation by Mohsen Khademi: 2020.2.
Akla veda, Ayrıntı: Istanbul 2012, 377 pp.
New edition of 1995.14.
"Anhang: Eine Briefwechsel 1982-83 mit Paul K. Feyerabend über den Wert der Demokratie" in Stefan Blankertz, Die Katastrophe der Befreihung: Faschismus und Demokratie, edition g.: Berlin 2013, pp. 281-322.
Filosofía natural: Una historia de nuestras ideas sobre la naturaleza desde la Edad de Piedra hasta la era de la fisica cuántica, Debate: Madrid 2013, 344 pp.
Spanish translation by Chamorro Mielke Joaquin of 2009.1.
Philosophie de la nature, Seuil: Paris 2014, 351 pp.
French translation by Matthieu Dumont and Arthur Lochmann of 2009.1.
La tyrannie de la science, Seuil: Paris 2014, 192 pp.
French translation by Baudoin Jurdant of 2011.1.
Physics and Philosophy: Philosophical Papers, Volume 4, Stefano Gattei and Joseph Agassi (eds), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2016.
Philosophy of Nature, Polity Press: Cambridge 2016, 288 pp.
English translation of 2009.1.
Ciência, um Monstro: Lições trentinas, Autêntica: Belo Horizonte 2016, 232 pp.
Portuguese translation by Rogério Bettoni of 2011.1.
Ανορθολογικότητα ή ποιος φοβάται τον αράπη;, Plethron: Athens 2018, 60 pp.
Greek translation by Thanasis Laios of 1985.7.