Events in the UK
2024 forthcoming events
2024 forthcoming events
1-5 October 2024, University of Cambridge
1-5 October 2024, University of Cambridge
Paul Feyerabend - A two-day event on pluralism in the arts and sciences
Paul Feyerabend - A two-day event on pluralism in the arts and sciences
Workshop organised by the UK pkf committe; participants include Ian Kidd, Hasok Chang, John Preston, John Dupré, etc. will involve some opera music, possibly some Brecht’s drama, recordings of pkf himself, music composed for the occasion and perhaps also recreations of historical experiments by Hasok!
[date to be determined, after Cambridge event], London School of Economics
[date to be determined, after Cambridge event], London School of Economics
Historically-focused event on Pkf at the LSE"
Historically-focused event on Pkf at the LSE"
Possibly a debate /sequel to For/Against Method, with someone who might defend method (Liam Kofi Bright?) and with Ian Kidd for AM? Possibly combining with the publication of the other letters that were supposed to be part of the original For/Against Method, but weren’t?
Recent past events
Recent past events